Conyer Clayton, Kneeling in Our Name


Full disclosure: pretty much everyone who had a hand in getting this chapbook into print has cried with and through it. So … content warning: this beautiful, thoughtful, insightful, and elegiac collection hella deals with grief, death, illness, and gender-based violence. But if you’re ready for it, Conyer Clayton’s seventh (!!) solo chapbook, Kneeling in Our Name, grapples with grief so thoroughly and so brazenly and so beautifully that you, like, finish reading it and you realize that you haven’t exhaled since page two. The collection is gorgeous and difficult and thoughtful and it really shows that Clayton is a poetic force to be reckoned with.

Printed in a limited run of fifty copies at Product Photo in Toronto, this chapbook is written by Conyer Clayton and typeset by Dani Spinosa. Cover design by Dani, assembling a collection of handwritten notes, envelopes, letters, and valentines to&from Clayton and their mother. YA IT’S PRETTY FREAKIN’ MOVING WE TOLD YOU.

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