Natalie Simpson, post spell
It’s a special kind of thing when very short, untitled poems somehow don’t feel minimalist at all. In this slippery little chapbook, Calgary-based poet Natalie Simpson packs each tiny little poem with a witchy magic so that a small page with 14 words feels suddenly quite full. Don’t be fooled by the poems’ sleek appearances; this is not sleek design-school minimalism. This is a world where we “shed gravitas / like gold / flakes” and where our “only tilt is / skyward.” We’re going up, babes, and we’re taking this book with us.
Printed in a limited run of fifty copies at Product Photo in Toronto, this chapbook is the little square size we love so much. Cover designed and chapbook typeset by Kate Siklosi.
Sample Poem:
who perambulates
who torrential
who wispy
who treks who
scatters who
flew immaculate
who scrubbed by
which tender rasp